Purification spell
Have you lost control of your life, feeling so down, very depressed after loss of your relation ship for no apparent reason? I understand how challenging this can be, and I’m here to help.
Purification Spell to Regain Control and Heal After Loss
If you’re struggling to perform a spell yourself, I offer my services to cast it for you professionally and effectively. For a small fee, I can help you cleanse your life of negativity and bring balance back into your world.
My Services Include;
I cast a personalized powerful purification spell tailored to your specific situation and I also provide a follow-up advice to help you maintain the positive effects of the spell.
Purification spell Description:
This purification spell involves the use of four coins, which will be meticulously cleaned and then tossed into a well or body of water while reciting an incantation. This symbolic act helps release pain and negativity, allowing peace and balance to return to your life.
This purification spell is designed to help you release the pain of a lost relationship and restore balance and control in your life.
By cleansing the coins and using the symbolic act of tossing them into the water, you align your intentions with the natural elements, promoting healing and renewal. Remember that true healing comes from within, and this spell is a tool to aid in that process.
Here is a detailed purification spell for cleansing and renewing your life energy after a difficult period:
Purification Spell to Regain Control and Heal After Loss
You will need four coins, a cleaning agent and access to the well. A clean flowing river or lake can also work. You will also need a a quiet, undisturbed place to perform the ritual.
Begin by picking the coins. These represent four elements that earth, air, fire, water and they are going to help balance in your life.
Clean the coins thoroughly very well with a cleaning agent or baking soda to sparkling clean. As you are washing them focus on cleansing your life of sadness, negativity and any disturbing feeling from your past relationship. Imagine all the negative energy being washed away with the dirt.
After washing, find a comfortable and quiet place you are going to perform the ritual with out any interruptions.
Hold the cleansed coins in your hands and take a few deep breaths to center yourself. Visualize a positive, bright light surrounding you, filling you with peace and strength, talk out all what is hold on your heart. After, Go to a well. Stand facing the west, which is traditionally associated with the end of the day and the element of water, symbolizing emotions and intuition.
Hold the coins in your right hand. Reflect on your feelings, the loss you’ve experienced, and your desire to regain control and positive in your life.
Tossing the Coins One by one into the well. As you do this, recite the following incantation:
“As I cleanse these coins, I cleanse my soul,
From sorrow and loss, I now let go.
With each coin cast, I release my pain,
From west to east, my life I reclaim.
By earth, by air, by fire, by sea,
Balance and peace return to me.”
After you have tossed all four coins, take a moment to thank any spiritual forces or deities you believe in for their assistance.
Visualize the negative energies being absorbed by the water, leaving you lighter and more balanced.
Spend a few moments in silent reflection, feeling the new sense of peace and control within you.
Express gratitude for the healing and balance you are beginning to restore in your life.
Focus on your intention to cleanse and renew your life. Avoid harboring negative thoughts about others involved in your past relationship.